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Bert Weenink - Why business coaching works!

Why Business Coaching doesn’t work!

Numerous publications available online claim that business coaching just does not work. It will be easier to disregard the idea and continue with the search to find other ways of taking your business to the next level.

BUT… did you know that even the most successful business owners of today make use of the services of a business coach. As they recognize the value of coaching?

For instance, Jeff Bezos, the well-known business billionaire of Amazon and Larry Page is equally successful in his own right and the co-founder of a “little” company called Google. Utilizes the services provided by their business coach regularly.


Because a successful business coach has experience. We gives solid coaching advice, directs you to areas within your business that need improvement. Guide and drive you towards success you desire –  and most importantly, supports and believes in you as the business owner.

From my experience – and that of many other coaches – I know that not all business owners that start the business coaching journey get the success they desire.


Let’s take a step back and view both sides of the coin. I have compiled a list of 9 scenarios that a business owner must consider before employing a business coach.

It’s more difficult than what I initially thought

Changing what you do in business is not always easy. Sometimes it is about digging deep within oneself to change  bad habits. This could be procrastination, indecision or risk avoidance at all cost.

Our formula for success states that for me to have what I want (my dream or my BHAG). I need to change what I am doing and more importantly. I have to become a better manager, business owner and human being.

In short it is:

Be x Do = Have

It is not the coach that must practice, do the training and implement changes in the business. That is the responsibility of the business owner.

Owners need to be motivated and committed to putting in an extra 4 to 5 hours a week to develop new habits. Implement systems and reach new levels of business fitness, so that their business can perform and break through the glass ceiling.

Once those changes have been implemented, you will be rewarded with more time – for yourself, your loved ones and you will be able to work on the business. Not just in it – but first realize that it is always hard in the beginning of any journey.

To reach the mountain summit, the journey is hard on the way up but so worth it once you have reached the top.

The chosen business coach lacks coaching experience

Although a business coach may have a lot of business experience the hardest part of coaching is understanding how to work with the individual business owner.

People skills are important.

A coach needs to understand the client’s fears and aid in overcoming them as well as identify the client’s personal strengths in order to use them in the best way possible.

Does your coach help you get a better understanding of who you are?

Behavioral tools like DiSC and certain motivators assessments can provide great insights into how you interact with your people. The best way a coach  or people need to interact with you.

Great business coaches are good at getting results for others, it’s just what we do. In the selection of a coach you must ensure that they have a track record of helping other business owners grow! A great business coach will hold you accountable!

Your expectations are unrealistic

Haven’t we all seen that?

Misconceptions around what coaching really is. Coaching is not a short-term change process or change management project.

When business owners realize that the change is harder than initially thought and that the time estimated to reach the target is underestimated. The business owner can be tempted to give up on the goal and sadly, some of them do.

Unrealistic expectations from the beginning regarding the time frame needed or the expected outcomes are normally based on assumptions and massive achievements of other businesses.

As business owner. You must set realistic expectations when it comes to working with someone who is helping you grow your business. Making lasting changes in  your business might not be as easy as you initially thought.

You get the ‘What’ but there’s no ‘How”

It’s probably quite easy for you to identifying the WHAT’s or many distractions in your business which hinder optimal business performance.

But how do you identify HOW to fix these distractions or negative interferences in your business?

The HOW is the hardest aspect to identify.  Not only should a business coach help you identify and prioritize what needs to be done. Your coach needs to quip you with tools such as checklists, templates, scripts, spreadsheets, etc. enabling you reach your goal in a shorter time frame.

There is comfort in knowing that your coach has a proven coaching system that achieves the results you desire. Having a business coach by your side means you have a now have safe shortcut to reach your goals.

That’s one of the main reasons that you have a business coach, isn’t it?

The coach your working with is a lone ranger

Is the coach that you have chosen to work with linked to a bigger organisation, or a master mind group, or have peers?

Nobody can profess to being an “I know it all” or a “guru” or “expert”. If your chosen business coach has no support network behind them, then things will fail for you because your coach can’t give you the best advice and mentoring.

It’s about having someone who can tap into resources and help drive you forward based on combined business experiences. You want to ensure your coach has a great professional network and track record

Have you pondered about working with a business coach, yet still remain a sceptic?

The unknown can be scary at times – which is why I invite business owners to complete an assessment and attend a free business strategy consultation prior to making a commitment because business relationships works both ways.

So the only question left unanswered is: how can I help you grow your business?

Coach Bert

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